Monday, 28 September 2009


September. Your kids off to school and kindergarten. You had your share in the preparations for the school year: you inhaled the smell of brand new notebooks and spent half of your income on textbooks. Including English textbooks, especially pricey.
Then you remembered your school and academic years. Your courses, your note-making, reading, writing, learning. And perhaps also your resolutions: to improve your foreign language skills, to do it this year, to revise and learn a small portion every single day, yeah, surely that'll work this time.
I, as a teacher, love September and October. I get prepared, I get ready to instruct. It feels like lining up at the start of the 100 metres sprint, or better, a hurdle race, a marathon.
But as a learner, I make resolutions, too. I'll learn five new words in French every day. No, say, I'll learn them every other day, because I'll also learn five new German words in the meantime. And Russian? Russian on Saturdays.
Then I find out it's difficult to count on my own self. I forget, I'm too tired or too lazy to learn anything in my free time. But if someone just GAVE ME the opportunity - why not?
So that's what it's meant to be, this M-Teacher's "blogging".
To give you the opportunity.

inhale /ın'heıl/- wdychać
brand new - całkiem nowy
pricey /'praısı/- infml drogi
a resolution - postanowienie
to line up the the start - stanąć na starcie
hurdle race /'hзdl reıs/- bieg przez płotki
say - tu: powiedzmy
every other day - co drugi dzień


  1. I think, we need also to learn pronunciation. Maybe small mp3 recordings?

  2. Don't know how to upload them. Or are you kiddin';)?
