Tuesday, 22 December 2009
The idea of Twelve Days instead of one or two that are typically celebrated nowadays dates back to the times when people used to feast all over the Christmastide - starting on December 25, foinishing a day before The Feast of the Epiphany (January 6).
Enjoy listening, and fill in the gaps:) The full version is HERE. As I said, singing it is a great experience and a training of memory, too. My whole family enjoys that song a lot.
Twelve Days of Christmas
(traditional English Christmas carol, 1870)
1. On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
A____________ in a _______________________.
2. On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Two ________ _________,
And ...
3. On the third day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Three ____________ ________________,
Two …
4. On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Four _______________ _______________,
Three …
5. On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Five ___________ ___________
Four …
6. On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Six ____________ a-______________,
7. On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Seven ___________ a-_____________,
8. On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Eight _____________ a-______________,
9. On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Nine _______________ ________________,
10. On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Ten ____________ ______________,
11. On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Eleven ___________ ________________,
12. On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Twelve ______________ _______________,
Eleven _______________ ____________,
Ten ____________ a-______________,
Nine ______________ _______________,
Eight ______________ _______________,
Seven ______________ _______________,
Six ______________ _______________,
Five ______________ _______________,
Four ______________ _______________,
Three ______________ _______________,
Two ______________ _______________,
And a ______________ in a ________ _______!
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
soul cake
To understand what the song's about you have to refer to the tradition of baking soul cakes. This is what wikipedia says on that:
A soul cake is a small round cake which is traditionally made for all Saints' Day or All Souls' Day to celebrate the dead. The cakes, often simply referred to as souls, were given out to soulers (mainly consisting of children and the poor) who would go from door to door on Halloween singing and saying prayers for the dead. Each cake eaten would represent a soul being freed from Purgatory. The practice of giving and eating soul cakes is often seen as the origin of modern Trick or Treating.
The tradition of giving Soul Cakes originated in Britain during the Middle Ages, although similar practices for the souls of the dead were found as far south as Italy.
The cakes were usually filled with allspice, nutmeg, cinammon, or other sweet spices, raisins or currants, and later were topped with the mark of a cross.
Soem more insightful information is here, together with the recipe:
http://catholiccuisine.blogspot.com/2009/10/soul-cakes.htmlAnd now the song, the song:)
Please, good missus, a soul cake,
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry,
Any good thing to make us all merry.
A soul cake, a soul cake,
Please, good missus, a soul cake,
One for Peter, two for Paul,
And three for Him that made us all.
God bless the master of this house
And the mistress also,
And all the little children
That round your table grow;
The cattle in your stable,
The dogs at your front door,
And all that dwell within your gates
We’ll wish you ten times more.
A soul cake, a soul cake…
Go down into the cellar
And see what you can fi nd;
If the barrels are not empty
We’ll hope that you’ll be kind;
We’ll hope that you’ll be kind
With your apple and your pear,
And we’ll come no more a-soulin’
Till Christmas time next year.
A soul cake, a soul cake…
The streets are very dirty,
Me shoes are very thin,
I have a little pocket
To put a penny in;
If you haven’t got a penny
A ha’penny will do;
If you haven’t got a ha’penny
God bless you.
A soul cake, a soul cake…
Monday, 16 November 2009
Dear Santa Claus
If I were to write such letter, I’d have only one request, although I might choose from dozens of possibilities. The new, long awaited and perfect for this season of the year – Sting’s new album If On A Winter's Night. I told my husband that this is my dream to come true under the Christmas tree, and well, he accepted. Isn’t that a great prospect of musical delight for Christmas time and after?
However, my dear husband tends to be really forgetful; last year on the Christmas Eve I asked this innocent question if he had picked up my Christmas present from the shop. Luckily indeed, it was Wednesday or Thursday, the bookstore was still open and he managed to get it, last minute, so to speak.
So, this year I repeat every now and then, to make sure he remembers. Why is the album worth listening? You may check and see tomorrow, I’ll present one of the songs. Doesn’t mean that I’m going to sing it, though…
the other day - pewnego dnia
if Santa happens to pass by - jesli Św. Mikołaj będzie przypadkiem tamtędy przechodził
dozens of possibilities - dziesiątki (dsł. "tuziny") mozliwości
long awaited - długo wyczekiwany
every now and then = from time to time
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
a november day recipe
1) take a day off, stay at home, watch tv, read books
2) go somewhere warm (Egypt, for example)
and a somewhat less pricy version of 2) would be:
3) invite your friends to cook together
4) go to the gym or to the cinema
5) take a walk with your umbrella, smile to the rain
Nice, don't you think?
come up with (e.g. an idea) - wpaść na pomysł, wymyślić
procure - dostarczyć
remedy for/against sth - lekarstwo, środek zaradczy
Monday, 9 November 2009
i wish
I wish November was less self-evident.
mist = fog
moist - wilgotny
in the background - na drugim planie
greyish - szarawy
film - przesłona
Saturday, 31 October 2009
joshua bell - stop and hear the music
And this is a fragment of the concert itself:
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
improve your english
That's how I remembered this 40-second story about the German Cruise Guard.
case study - studium przypadku
one-to-one lesson - lekcja jeden na jeden (indywidualna)
hardly capable of - niemalże niezdolny
veer towrds - zmierzać w kierunku, skłaniać się ku
Monday, 26 October 2009
Instead of writing this, I might have produced a nice informative piece on meteorological phenomena or economy, which would help me carve out a career for myself. Alas!, as Shakespeare's characters used to say, I can't find proper time for that.
on the fly = right away - na poczekaniu
at the most - co najwyzej
a complaint book - książka skarg i zażaleń
namely - minaowicie
commitment - zaangażowanie
match up - dopasować, spełnić oczekiwania
genuine - autentyczny, szczery
what can I do but accept - co mogę zrobić, jeśli nie pogodzić się z tym
carve out a career fr oneself - wyrobić sobie pozycję zawodową
alas [old-fashioned] = unfortunately
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
i'm so happy
I first heard the song some seven, eight perhaps, years ago, and it has become one of my favourites ever since. The mood of the tune is so entirely careless that you might think it's just another country song. The idea of being happy on the verge of tears is not unfamiliar, either. The mixture of those two - music and lyrics - brings about an unusual effect. Listen and judge for yourselves.
I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying
Seven weeks have passed now since she left me
She shows her face to ask me how I am
She says the kids are fine and that they miss me
Maybe I could come and baby-sit sometime
She says, "Are you O.K.? I was worried about you
Can you forgive me? I hope that you'll be happy."
I'm so happy that I can't stop crying
I'm so happy I'm laughing through my tears
I saw a friend of mine
He said, "I was worried about you
I heard she had another man,
I wondered how you felt about it?"
I'm so happy that I can't stop crying
I'm so happy I'm laughing though my tears
Saw my lawyer, Mr Good News,
He got me joint custody and legal separation
I'm so happy that I can't stop crying
I'm laughing through my tears
I'm laughing through my tears
I took a walk alone last night
I looked up at the stars
To try and find an answer in my life
I chose a star for me, I chose a star for him
I chose two stars for my kids and one star for my wife
Something made me smile
Something seemed to ease the pain
Something about the universe and how it's all connected
The park is full of Sunday fathers and melted ice cream
We try to do the best within the given time
A kid should be with his mother
Everybody knows that
What can a father do but baby-sit sometimes?
I saw that friend of mine, he said,
"You look different somehow"I said,
"Everybody's got to leave the darkness sometime"
inclination for - skłonność, upodobanie do
resist - opierac się; I can't resist them - nie mogę się im oprzeć
tune - melodia
on the verge of sth - na skraju
bring about = cause
Thursday, 15 October 2009
'tis a memoir
Well, I was sitting in my apartment and I was feeling lonesome so I went up and sat on one of those benches they have in the grassy island in the middle of Broadway and this woman came along, a shopping bag woman , one of the homeless ones, all tattered and greasy , rooting around in the grabage can till she found a newspaper and sat beside me reading it till she asked me if she could borrow my glasses because she could read only headlines with the sight she had and when she talked I noticed she had an Irish accent so I asked where she came from and she toled me Donegal a long time ago and wasn't it lovely to be sitting on a bench in the middle of Broadway with people noticing things and asking where you came from. She I asked if I could spare a few pennies on a soup and I insisted she could come with me to the Associated supermarket and we'd get some groceries and have a proper meal. Oh, she couldn't do that, she said, but I told her that's what I was going to do anyway. She wouldn't come inside the store. She said they wouldn't like the likes of her. I got bread and butter and rashers and eggs and when we got home I told her she could go in and have a nice shower and she was delighted with herself though there wasn't much I could do about her clothes or the bags she carried. We had our dinner and watched television till she started falling asleep on me and i told her lie down there on the bed but she wouldn't. God knows the bed is big enough for four but she laid down on the floor with a shopping bag under her head and when I woke up in the morning she was gone and I missed her.
I know it wasn't the dinner wine that had me against the wall in a fit of remorse. It was the thought of my mother being so lonesome she had to sit on a street bench, so lonesome she missed the company of a homeless shopping bag woman.
shopping bag woman = bag lady - kloszardka
tattered - obszarpany
greasy - zatłuszczony
root around in - grzebac w
garbage can - US pojemnik na smieci
she wouldn't come inside
the likes of her - infml jej podobni
groceries - artykuły spozywcze
rasher - plasterek bekonu
had me against the wall - zmuziło mnie do oparcia się o scianę
a fit of remorse - przypływ wyrzutów sumienia
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
It's one of my favourite song-stories, devoid of melodramatic twists. Its force is in the diverse content put together, uttered at one pitch, as if no part was more important than the other. That's why the drama is there, it's in all that has not been spoken about.
Private Dancer
Well the men come in these places
And the men are all the same
You don't look at their faces
And you don't ask their names
You don't think of them as human
You don't think of them at all
You keep your mind on the money
Keeping your eyes on the wall
I'm your private dancer
A dancer for money
I'll do what you want me to do
I'm your private dancer
A dancer money
Any old music will do
I wanna make a million dollars
I wanna live out by the sea
Have a husband and some children
Yeah I guess I want a family
All the men come in these places
And the men are all the same
You don't look at their faces
And you don't ask their names
Deutschmarks or dollars
American express will nicely thank you
Let me loosen up your collar
Tell me do you wanna see me do the shimmy again
pour down - lać (about rain)
wing mirror - lusterko boczne
drive into - wjechać w
hedge - zywopłot
twist - zwrot akcji
utter - wypowiadać
at one pitch - na jednej wysokości, jednym tonem
Monday, 12 October 2009
Anyway, reading your own writing is surely an act of the utmost courage. I'd even risk saying, it's shameless.
For the last couple of weeks I've been listening to an audiobook by Sebastain Faulks, On Green Dolphin Street - "read by the author". Whenever I hear Faulks's unwavering voice, especially while reading his own complex metaphors and insights into the characters' minds, I admire his capacity for self-publishing.
I still have the excuse of not being able to upload the sound files.
mike - infml for "microphone"
utmost - najwyższy
shameless - bezwstydny
unwavering - pewny, niezachwiany
insight - wgląd, spostrzeżenie
Friday, 9 October 2009
tom's diner
Tom's Diner
I am sitting in the morning
At the diner on the corner
I am waiting at the counter
For the man to pour the coffee
And he fills it only halfway
And before I even argue
He is looking out the window
At somebody coming in
"It is always nice to see you"
Says the man behind the counter
To the woman who has come in
She is shaking her umbrella
And I look the other way
As they are kissing their hellos
I'm pretending not to see them
And instead I pour the milk
I open up the paper
There's a story of an actor
Who had died while he was drinking
It was no one I had heard of
And I'm turning to the horoscope
And looking for the funnies
When I'm feeling someone watching me
And soI raise my head
There's a woman on the outside
Looking inside
Does she see me?
No she does not really see me
'cause she sees her own reflection
And I'm trying not to notice
That she's hitching up her skirt
And while she's straightening her stockings
Her hair has gotten wet
Oh, this rain it will continue
Through the morning as I'm listening
To the bells of the cathedral
I am thinking of your voice...
And of the midnight picnic
Once upon a time
Before the rain began...
I finish up my coffee
It's time to catch the train
fleeting - ulotny
non-significant - nic nie znczący
recall - przypomnieć sobie
in close-up - w zblizeniu
a still - fotos
devoid of plot - pozbawiony fabuły
diner - jadłodajnia
at the counter - tu: przy barze
kissing their hellos - całują się na powitanie
fills it only half-way - napełnia tylko do połowy
behind the counter - tu: za barem
hitch up - podkasać
straighten up - poprawiać
a stocking - pończocha
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
road to mandalay
The Road to Mandalay is a perfect song for a teacher. Firstly, because it has a story behind. Secondly, because the lyrics are long enough. Thirdly, because it's easy to sing, and some of you asked for a pronunciation exercise. Remember only not to sing too loud, especially if you work shoulder to shoulder in some vast corporate space. The full text and explanations - HERE.
Save me from ______________ in the sea
Beat me up on the _____________
What a lovely holiday
There's nothing funny left to say
This ___________ song would drain the sun
But it won't shine until it's sung
No water running in the _____________
The saddest place we've ever seen
Everything I touched was ______________
Everything I loved got broken
On the road to Mandalay
Every mistake I've ever made
Has been ___________ and then replayed
As I got lost along the way
There's nothing left for you to give
The truth is all that you're left with
Twenty paces then _____ ______________
We will die and be reborn
I like to sleep beneath the _____________
Have the ________________ at one with me
Look down the ____________ of a gun
And feel the _________ replace the ___________
Everything we've ever stolen
Has been lost ____________ or broken
No more dragons left to __________
Every mistake I've ever made
Has been ______________ and then replayed
As I got lost along the way
Save me from ________________ in the sea
Beat me up on the beach
What a lovely holiday
There's nothing funny left to say
a Robbie Williams fan - proszę zwrócić uwagę na brak possessive 's
streak - element, "coś"
self-mockery - autoironia
on no condition - w żadnym wypadku
along the way - po drodze
alleviate anxiety - złagodzić niepokój
audible - słyszalny
swoop - lot nurkowy, pikowanie
self-detachment - dystans do siebie samego
shoulder to shoulder - ramię przy ramieniu, ramię w ramię
vast - ogromny
Friday, 2 October 2009
test yourself
1. What's the name for the sport discipline shown below:
2. If you want to express the same meaning in a different manner, you can add the phrase:
a. in another word
b. in other words
c. in the other words
d. in another's words
3. Don't worry that your project didn't work, you can always ___________________
a. start from start
b. start from the line
c. start from scratch
d. start from zero
4. What's the English word for the device that cleans rain and dirt from the windscreen of your car?
5. Choose the best description for the photo below:

original photo HERE
a. they line up at the start
b. they start at the line
c. they line the start up
d. they start up the line
Thursday, 1 October 2009
rain on my windscreen
I checked on wiki if anybody had seen them. It turns out they’re quite famous:

The thief actually left the arms, took only the blades with him.
Well, as for my car - not anymore.

"Inventor J. H. Apjohn devised a method of moving two brushes up and down on a vertical plate glass windscreen in 1903. Mary Anderson is said to have invented the windscreen wiper swinging arm in the United States, where she patented the idea in 1903. The idea was initially met with resistance, but was a standard feature on all American cars by 1916. "
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
nobody's perfect
Foreign language is a particular kind of tool.
Take for example some of the instruments you might need at work: typically, the better the instrument, the better the outcome. A graphic designer needs professional software to produce a high-quality website layout. A neurosurgeon will call for a sharp and sterile scalpel, or better a high-tech microsurgical laser scalpel, to be more precise. Even your kids will soon claim that in order to communicate with friends they must have at their disposal a state-of-the-art cell phone. Striving for perfection of tools is omnipresent.
Unlike other instruments, your second language does not have to be perfect to be used.
Or, in other words, you don’t have to know all the structures and vocab to start speaking, reading and writing. And it’s a bad news for all the perfectionists: you can only improve your command of foreign language when you use it, imperfect as it is. There’s definitely no other way.
You can start practicing with writing comments here. I've changed the settings so that this option is now available for everybody.
make peace - pogodzić się
insecure - niepewny/ie
entry - tu: notatka
layout - szablon, makieta
state of the art - najnowoczęsniejszy
striving for perfection - dążenie do doskonałości
omniprsent - wszechobecne
in other words - innymi słowy
definitely - zdecydowanie, z pewnością
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
past tense, future perfect
ELEMENTARY FOREVER – always chooses the safe beginner path. The one who starts everything from scratch, hoping this time he/she’ll get it right. Never beyond simple present and continuous, with the tendency to use them even while talking about what he/she did two years ago. At the point of departure, already left with no self-confidence.
INTERMEDATE EVER AFTER – he/she thinks his/her English is not so good ("It probably might be better, but somehow, it’s clumsy and probably predestined to remain so"). She/he knows present perfect and has heard everything about it, but when it comes to use it, she/he always ponders: “is that the right moment?” Usually the answer is “yes!” and present perfect pops up in every sentence, just in case, to impress the teacher.
Has anybody seen an upper-intermediate? – this category is most often blank. In language schools, learners are labeled upper-intermediate because nobody knows what to do with them once they’ve completed the “intermediate” level.
How advanced am I? – He/she knows they know much. They have heard of most of the structures and can use them. But what worries them most of all is the question: “am I advanced enough?” Relax, take it easy, learn vocab, learn about the world in English, too – they should be reassured.
And last, but not least, there is a Student Always Wanted. A SAW knows learning is a process. A SAW knows he has already learnt something and is ready to ask for more. A SAW can say why he/she wants to learn and motivation is 75 % success.
A SAW is open-minded and believes in, as Zadie Smith wrote in her White Teeth, “past tense, future perfect”. What you expect is, most often, where you end up.
him or her [lub him/her], he or she - the politically correct way to refer to an individual regardless of sex
resist the temptation - oprzec się pokusie
path /pa:θ/- ścieżka, droga
start from scratch /skræt∫/- zaczynać od nowa, od zera
the point of departure - punkt wyjścia
self-confidence - wiara w siebie
clumsy - niezgrabny
is predestined to - jest mu przeznaczone
ponder - rozmyslać
pop up - pojawiać się
blank - pusty
label - etykietować, szufladkować
and remember that
a saw /so:/ means also: piła
and tense means also - napięty, "past tense" tutaj: przeszłość pełna napięć
Monday, 28 September 2009
Then you remembered your school and academic years. Your courses, your note-making, reading, writing, learning. And perhaps also your resolutions: to improve your foreign language skills, to do it this year, to revise and learn a small portion every single day, yeah, surely that'll work this time.
I, as a teacher, love September and October. I get prepared, I get ready to instruct. It feels like lining up at the start of the 100 metres sprint, or better, a hurdle race, a marathon.
But as a learner, I make resolutions, too. I'll learn five new words in French every day. No, say, I'll learn them every other day, because I'll also learn five new German words in the meantime. And Russian? Russian on Saturdays.
Then I find out it's difficult to count on my own self. I forget, I'm too tired or too lazy to learn anything in my free time. But if someone just GAVE ME the opportunity - why not?
So that's what it's meant to be, this M-Teacher's "blogging".
To give you the opportunity.
inhale /ın'heıl/- wdychać
brand new - całkiem nowy
pricey /'praısı/- infml drogi
a resolution - postanowienie
to line up the the start - stanąć na starcie
hurdle race /'hзdl reıs/- bieg przez płotki
say - tu: powiedzmy
every other day - co drugi dzień