Monday 16 November 2009

Dear Santa Claus

So, have you started writing your letters to Santa Claus? A friend that I met the other day said she hung hers up on her fridge door, so that it is clear and visible, if Santa happens to pass by.

If I were to write such letter, I’d have only one request, although I might choose from dozens of possibilities. The new, long awaited and perfect for this season of the year – Sting’s new album If On A Winter's Night. I told my husband that this is my dream to come true under the Christmas tree, and well, he accepted. Isn’t that a great prospect of musical delight for Christmas time and after?

However, my dear husband tends to be really forgetful; last year on the Christmas Eve I asked this innocent question if he had picked up my Christmas present from the shop. Luckily indeed, it was Wednesday or Thursday, the bookstore was still open and he managed to get it, last minute, so to speak.

So, this year I repeat every now and then, to make sure he remembers. Why is the album worth listening? You may check and see tomorrow, I’ll present one of the songs. Doesn’t mean that I’m going to sing it, though…

the other day - pewnego dnia
if Santa happens to pass by - jesli Św. Mikołaj będzie przypadkiem tamtędy przechodził
dozens of possibilities - dziesiątki (dsł. "tuziny") mozliwości
long awaited - długo wyczekiwany
every now and then = from time to time


  1. Shame u didin't tell me that, I could get u 1 4 Christmass...
    brat blizniak

  2. Dear Twin,

    Thanks for your concern:) but here it's in a sepcial "Polish" price. Anyway, I've heard you speak English even in your sleep, so I'm waiting for your text to publish on this blog for my students!!! :)))
