Monday 26 October 2009

I wish I was able to produce my teacher's notes on the fly, but I'm afraid they would form, at the most, a complaint book. A teacher's diary is namely a record of ups and downs, of commitment rarely matched up by the genuine response of the students, who generally wish they had got prepared but unfortunately had no time, next time it will be better I promise, and what can I do but accept.
Instead of writing this, I might have produced a nice informative piece on meteorological phenomena or economy, which would help me carve out a career for myself. Alas!, as Shakespeare's characters used to say, I can't find proper time for that.

on the fly = right away - na poczekaniu
at the most - co najwyzej
a complaint book - książka skarg i zażaleń
namely - minaowicie
commitment - zaangażowanie
match up - dopasować, spełnić oczekiwania
genuine - autentyczny, szczery
what can I do but accept - co mogę zrobić, jeśli nie pogodzić się z tym
carve out a career fr oneself - wyrobić sobie pozycję zawodową
alas [old-fashioned] = unfortunately

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