Monday 12 October 2009

One of my on-line students asked if the texts here might be accompanied by sound, and I've been exploring this option for the last twenty minutes or so. I've already found the mike on my notebook and I'm wondering why it's so tiny.
Anyway, reading your own writing is surely an act of the utmost courage. I'd even risk saying, it's shameless.
For the last couple of weeks I've been listening to an audiobook by Sebastain Faulks, On Green Dolphin Street - "read by the author". Whenever I hear Faulks's unwavering voice, especially while reading his own complex metaphors and insights into the characters' minds, I admire his capacity for self-publishing.
I still have the excuse of not being able to upload the sound files.

mike - infml for "microphone"
utmost - najwyższy
shameless - bezwstydny
unwavering - pewny, niezachwiany
insight - wgląd, spostrzeżenie

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